Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sort by Google Analytics

WordPress – Sort by Google Analytics | CodeCanyon

Sort by Google Analytics his title this type of WordPress/Utilities This time I will review,made by phillbrown, WordPress/Utilities is sold at a price of $12 in themeforest.

Sort by Google Analytics - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

Sort by Google Analytics - CodeCanyon Item for Sale


marketplace.queue(function(){ marketplace.initializers.largePreview(); });

Sort by Google Analytics is a WordPress plugin that links up with your Google Analytics to add post sorting options based off your website’s usage statistics.

The plugin adds more sorting options to WP_Query’s parameters. This means you can easily use Sort by Google Analytics functionality wherever posts are queried in WordPress. Out the box, it comes with the extra orderby options: pageviews and visits. Some examples:

// Order posts by pageviews $most_viewed_posts = get_posts( array( 'orderby' => 'pageviews' ) ); // Order posts by most visited. Those with the same number of visits will be ordered by published date $most_visited_posts = get_posts( array( 'orderby' => 'visits date', ) );

You can also add your own sorting options based on Google Analytics metrics. For example, a fewest bounces sort option or by goal conversion rate. All of this is achievable with 10 lines of code and the most popular requests will be added to the plugin permanently.

WooCommerce Dynamic Sorting - CodeCanyon Item for Sale WooCommerce Price Labeller - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

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