Sunday, November 17, 2013

Gravity Forms Simple Drip Autoresponder Addon

WordPress – Gravity Forms Simple Drip – Autoresponder Addon | CodeCanyon

Gravity Forms Simple Drip Autoresponder Addon his title this type of WordPress/Newsletters This time I will review,made by ser-html, WordPress/Newsletters is sold at a price of $14 in themeforest.

Gravity Forms Simple Drip - Autoresponder Addon - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

marketplace.load(“”); marketplace.queue(function(){ new marketplace.Video({ file: “″, poster: “”, title: “Gravity Forms Simple Drip – Autoresponder Addon “, height: “540″, width: “960″, embed_url: “″, isMainPreview: false, downloadButtonImage: “” }).setup(); });

autoresponders // email marketing // gravity forms // newsletters // notifications // wordpress //

Created18 November 13
Last Update18 November 13
Software VersionWordPress 3.7
High ResolutionYes
Files IncludedPHP

I love Gravity Forms for WordPress and it’s cool how it already sends simple user email notifications. Why not just also managed my simple autoresponder campaigns as well!!

Now it can with our new powerful time delay feature!

Gravity Forms Simple Drip Autoresponders Addon for WordPress is the easiest way to create a simple autoresponder campaign – a.k.a. email drip campaigns – using a plugin you probably already have!

Easy to Use

To create a dead simple autoresponder/drip campaign, follow these easy steps:

1. Upload and activate the GF Autoresponders plugin 2. Create a form (or use an existing one) 3. Create a new form notification 4. Configure the recipient, in most cases select “email field” 5. Enter your email copy in the WYSIWYG editor as you normally would 6. Select “Set Time Delay” 7. Enter how long you would like the email to delay until send! 8. Presto! You’re done.

Only steps 6 and 7 are ones that you would not normally do! Super Simple!

Once the user has submitted a form entry and time delay has been triggered, the user will receive your pre-determined email message in plain text format. No need to use external email marketing programs such as MailChimp, Aweber or Constant Contact to create dead simple autoresponder campaigns. No added fees, APIs Keys, no limits, less hassle!

Perfect for any content and email marketing strategy using WordPress!


GF Simple Autoresponder is an addon for the very popular Gravity Forms WordPress premium plugin. A Gravity Forms licence is required in order to use this plugin. WordPress – Tested with WordPress version 3.7.1


Upload the GF Autoresponder Plugin into WordPress Activate the Plugin A new option for “time delay” will be added into Gravity Forms’ native Notifications settings.


1.0 – Initial Release – 11/11/13

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