Monday, November 11, 2013

Cloud Admin Responsive Dashboard Theme Admin Templates Site Templates

Site Templates – Cloud Admin – Responsive Dashboard Theme | ThemeForest

Cloud Admin Responsive Dashboard Theme Admin Templates Site Templates his title this type of SiteTemplates/AdminTemplates This time I will review,made by ser-html, SiteTemplates/AdminTemplates is sold at a price of $20 in themeforest.

Cloud Admin - Responsive Dashboard Theme - Admin Templates Site Templates

admin // admin dashboard template // admin template // bootstrap // dashboard-frontend // frontend // twitter bootstrap //

Created11 November 13
Last Update11 November 13
Compatible BrowsersIE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Compatible WithBootstrap 3
DocumentationWell Documented
High ResolutionNo
ThemeForest Files IncludedHTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files

Cloud Admin v1.0 is an intuitive, feature-packed, beautiful & well-documented dashboard admin+frontend theme built on the top of latest Bootstrap 3 & powered by more than 60+ plugins.

We’re committed to release continuous long term updates, add & update plugins, add dozen of new pages and features in future releases. Once you purchase Cloud Admin, you will be entitled to download all future updates at no extra cost.

To be notified of new updates, please follows us on Twitter and subscribe to our feed.

Twitter Img

Support is provided via email mentioned in the documentation.

Admin + Frontend

Fully Responsive

Frontend Theme on Pads

Dashboard on Phones

Dashboard on iPhone

Powered by 65+ plugins

A complete list and link to each plugin website is neatly laid out in Cloud Admin documentation.

  1. Font Awesome 4.0.1 (recently released)

  2. Animate CSS

  3. Autosize v1.17.8

  4. Backstretch – v2.0.4

  5. Bootbox.js v4.0.0

  6. Bootstrap Date Range Picker v1.2

  7. Moment.js 2.1.0

  8. Bootstrap-fileupload.js j2

  9. Bootstrap-inputmask.js j2

  10. Bootstrap Hover Dropdown

  11. BootstrapSwitch v1.8

  12. Bootstrap Wizard Plugin

  13. Bootstrap WYSIWYG

  14. jQuery Hotkeys

  15. CKEditor

  16. Colorbox v1.4.31

  17. Bootstrap Colorpicker

  18. jQuery Simply Countable plugin

  19. d3 charts

  20. Blueimp Gallery

  21. Blueimp Load-Image

  22. Blueimp Javascript-Templates

  23. Blueimp Javascript Canvas-To-Blob

  24. Datatables

  25. Date picker for pickadate.js v3.2.2

  26. Time picker for pickadate.js v3.2.2

  27. pickadate.js v3.2.2

  28. Dropzone Fileupload

  29. EasyPieChart

  30. Flot Charts

  31. Flot Growraf

  32. Fuel UX Tree

  33. FullCalendar v1.6.4

  34. GMaps.js v0.4.6

  35. Hubspot Messenger 1.3.6

  36. Isotope v1.5.25

  37. jqGrid 4.5.4 – jQuery Grid

  38. jQuery v2.0.3

  39. jQuery blockUI plugin

  40. jQuery Easing v1.3

  41. jQuery Knob

  42. jQuery Raty

  43. jQuery Slimscroll v1.3.0

  44. jQuery Todo

  45. jQuery UI 1.10.3

  46. jQuery File Upload Plugin 5.32.6

  47. jQuery Validation Plugin 1.11.1

  48. jQVMap Version 1.0

  49. JustGage

  50. Raphael 2.1.0

  51. LESS – Leaner CSS v1.4.1

  52. Magic Suggest

  53. Nestable jQuery Plugin

  54. Google Prettify

  55. Select2 3.4.4

  56. SliderNav

  57. Sparklines (jquery.sparkline.js)

  58. Tablecloth.js

  59. Timeago

  60. TimelineJS – ver. 2.26.2

  61. Typeahead 0.9.3

  62. Uniform v2.1.0

  63. xCharts v0.3.0

  64. jQuery Navmaster

  65. jQuery ScrollTo

  66. jQuery Waypoint

  67. jQuery Cookie

  68. Gritter Notifications


  • Clean, responsive, subtle design that works across browsers, devices, tablets and phones.

  • Easy to understand documentation

  • 50+ template pages

  • Bootstrap 3 Framework

  • LESS support

  • 6 soothing theme skins

  • Developer friendly commented code

  • Interactive Team Status slide-down menu

UI Features

  • Multi-level menu

  • Toggle (Show/Hide) Sidebar

  • Fixed Header

  • Fixed Sidebar

  • Fixed Header & Sidebar

  • Mini-Sidebar

  • Sidebar Search

  • Notification Dropdown

  • Inbox Dropdown

  • Tasks Dropdown

  • User setting/logout

  • Scroll-top

  • Date-Range Selector Menu

  • Gritter Notifications (custom style + free flat icons)

Extra UI Features

Apart from the basic Bootstrap 3 features, there are

  • Magic Suggest Autocomplete

  • Ajax Loaders

  • Timeago timestamps

  • Bootbox powered Modal Windows

  • Fullscreen date and time picker (iOS style)

  • Liquid Inline date-picker

  • Color picker

  • Interactive Rating stars

  • On-Hover popovers

  • Hubspot Notifications (5 themes)

  • Big labeled buttons

  • Intuitive Toggle Buttons

  • Stylized Labels (Arrowed)

  • jQuery UI Sliders with tooltip/multicolor

  • Vertical Sliders

  • Animated Progress Bars

  • Circle Dials (Themed)

  • Code Markup (Prettify)

  • Tabs on Panels

  • Left, Right, Bottom Tabs

  • Treeview

  • Nestable Lists

  • Variety of Widget/Boxes

  • Interactive Gallery

Frontend Theme

  • Single Page Parallax theme

  • Portfolio section

  • Product Demo section

  • Features section

  • About Us/ Team section

  • Testimonial section

  • Contact Us section

  • Social bar


  • Simple Tables (powered with Tablecloth.js)

  • Dynamic Tables (powered with DataTables)

  • jqGrid Plugin

Form Elements

  • Field with tooltips (focus/hover)

  • Fields with icons

  • Input Masks

  • Auto-expanding textarea

  • Textarea with character count

  • Advanced Select List (powered with Select2)

  • Stylized Form Elements (powered with Uniform)

  • File upload

  • Form Wizard with Validations

  • Rich Text Editor

  • CKEditor

  • Dropzone File Upload Manager

Visual Charts

  • Basic Charts

  • Interactive Charts

  • Select & Zooming Chart

  • Tracking Curve

  • Auto Updating Chart

  • Stacked Bar and Line

  • Variety of Pie Charts

  • xCharts

  • Dynamic Pie Charts

  • Growing Graph

  • Sparkline Bars, Lines and Pie

  • Just Gauge


  • Full fledged calendar

  • Event creation

  • Draggable Events


  • Google Maps (plus Streetview)

  • Openstreet Map, CloudMade Maps

  • Vector Maps (World, Europe, Russia, Germany, USA etc.)


  • Login, Register, Forgot Password (2 Themes each)

  • User Profile

  • Chat Window & Chat Widget

  • Interactive Timeline

  • Color-coded To Do List (working prototype)

  • Address Book (iOS style)

  • Pricing Tables

  • Invoice

  • Product Orders table

  • Search Results

  • Email Template Blueprints (7 Layout options)

  • 5 Error Pages

  • FAQ

  • Blank Page template for quick start

  • Cookie support for saving client-side customization

  • And more features coming soon!

Future releases

  • Nicescroll plugin

  • Coming Soon/ Landing Page

  • Markdown Editor

  • More layout options for Admin

  • More layout options for Frontend

  • Gallery enhancements

  • Form Builder

  • Ajax powered Inbox

  • More Pricing Tables

  • Sliders (Revolution, Flex etc)

  • QR Code generator

  • eCommorce UI for Admin and Frontend

  • SAAS support

  • File Manager

  • jqGrid enhancement

  • And many more exciting features

Wishing you all the best in your endeavour. We sincerely hope that Cloud Admin skyrockets your brand/business to greater heights. Let’s work together!

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