Saturday, October 5, 2013

WP Pro Admin

WordPress – WP Pro Admin | CodeCanyon

WP Pro Admin his title this type of WordPress/Utilities This time I will review,made by ser-html, WordPress/Utilities is sold at a price of $18 in themeforest.

WP Pro Admin - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

analytics // database // email // login // menu // plugin & theme security // registration // visitor tracking //

Created5 October 13
Last Update5 October 13
Compatible BrowsersIE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software VersionWordPress 3.6, WordPress 3.5
Compatible WithWPML
Files IncludedJavaScript JS, CSS, PHP

More Info…WP Pro Admin ..

About The Plugin

Realtime visitor Tracking and traffic Analytics. Options to Customize your site & increase Security. Protect login processes, customize login page, extend registration options, change username, change site email address, change database prefix, turn of WP_DEBUG and more. Our email notifications gives you an exact view of things happening on your server.

Plugin Features


Plugin has an advance Traffic tracking feature. We only track real visitors, not crawlers or agents that does not loads Images and JavaScripts.

Analytics preview can be filter by date, week, month or any date. Informations available -

  1. Page/Url /visits

  2. Referer /visits – source of the visit come from

  3. Country /visits

  4. Viewport /visits

  5. Browser /visits

  6. Operating System /visits


  1. Set email address to get Analytics report mailed.

  2. Define interval period the email will be sent between.

  3. OnClick report mailed into your inbox.


Get detailed report of site visits..

Preview can be filter by date, week, month or any date. Informations available -

  1. IP/User

  2. Country

  3. Referer

  4. Country

  5. Viewport

  6. Browser with version

  7. Operating System


  1. Set email address to get Visitors report mailed.

  2. Define interval period the email will be sent between.

  3. OnClick report mailed into your inbox.

  4. Block Visitors from viewing your site by ip address, and show them defined message.

  5. Method to clean visitors information automatically. Obviously, u can keep them as long as you want and disble auto cleaning option.


Protect your site”s login process and add extra restriction. Preview who are logging in to your site, restrict or monitor them.

  1. Get email notifications upon failed login attempts

  2. Block ip from login upon failer login attempts automatically

  3. Manually enter ip address to block login to the site, set message for them

  4. Enable login only from Given Ip address, set message while anyone try to login from unknown ip

  5. Enable/disable email notification upon any user login to you site.

  6. Enable/disable Login Logs, it record users login time and ip address.

  7. View login logs of your site user, who have been logging in your site.

Login Page Customization

Customize the default site login page – wp-login.php

  1. If you are facing a bruitforce attack and you have no method to stop them, simply disable the default wordpress login page (wp-login.php) completely for certain amount of time. So, no loging attempts can be done. after the time expires, the page will apear automatically again.

  2. Change login page header logo, by default it is ”” logo

  3. Change login page header logo link, by default it is pointed to ””

  4. Change login page header logo title attribute, by default it is ”powered by wordpress”

  5. You can set time when the log will be cleaned automatically. Obviouly u can keep it and disble auto cleaning option.

  6. Add custom css for login page.


Our plugin comes with an advace visitor tracking feature. We only track real visit, not crawlers or agents that does not loads images.

  1. Block Visitors from viewing your site by ip address, and show them a message.

  2. Activate Visitor logs

  3. Visitor Operating system

  4. Information can be Emailed. That mean you can get information about your site visitors right into your email inbox. Emails are sent periodically, available intervals – 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, weekly, monthly

  5. You can set method to clean visitor information automatically. Obviously, u can keep them as long as you want and disble auto cleaning option.


  1. Get email notifications upon Plugin activation, deactivation, modifications.

  2. Disable other administrators to activate/deactivate/edit plugins from WP admin. also hide these links from admin menus.


  1. Get email notifications upon Theme change and modifications

  2. Disable other administrators to manage/change/edit themes from WP admin. also hide these links from admin menus.

  3. Remove default theme header meta informations displayed on Front Pages <head> tag


Search and replace any users Username.


Add Conditional menu items on selected menu locations. Menu items are – login, registration, passwordreset, author profile, edit profile, dashboard, logout.

Registration (default registration page – yoursite.tld/wp-login.php?action=register)

Add extra registration fileds to your default WordPress registration form. Fields included -

  1. Password

  2. Full name

  3. Last name

  4. First name


  1. Change WordPress content directory (“wp-content”) to something else.

  2. Change files and folders having wrong permission within your content directory.

  3. OnClick disable WP_Debug

  4. OnClick disable WP_Debug_Log


  1. Change your Database Table prefix, modify unsecure prefix name.


Get information about your server Software, PHP, Mysql and WordPress setup Informations.


External resource used within this plugin is jQuery DataTables, an Open Source jQuery Plugin & Custom jQuery UI Theme

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