Wednesday, October 16, 2013

WebView for Mobile WebSites and Mobile Web Apps

Mobile – WebView for Mobile WebSites and Mobile Web Apps | CodeCanyon

WebView for Mobile WebSites and Mobile Web Apps his title this type of Mobile/Android/FullApplications This time I will review,made by ser-html, Mobile/Android/FullApplications is sold at a price of $10 in themeforest.

WebView for Mobile WebSites and Mobile Web Apps - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

marketplace.load(“”); marketplace.queue(function(){ new marketplace.Video({ file: “″, poster: “”, title: “WebView for Mobile WebSites and Mobile Web Apps”, height: “472″, width: “488″, embed_url: “″, isMainPreview: false, downloadButtonImage: “” }).setup(); });

chache // connection error handle // loading // mobile app // mobile website // one time welcome message // refresh // registration form // share // splashscreen // web app // webview //

Created17 October 13
Last Update17 October 13
Files Included.apk, .dex, .java, .xml, PHP, HTML
Mobile OSAndroid OS 2.2, Android OS 2.3, Android OS 2.3.3, Android OS 2.3.4, Android OS 2.3.6, Android OS 2.3.7, Android OS 3.1, Android OS 3.2, Android OS 4.0, Android OS 4.0.3, Android OS 4.0.4, Android OS 4.1.x, Android OS 4.2.x

Zulucoding Android WebView, provides the best solution for Mobile websites and web mobile APPS to look exactly like a native android APP. The APP is designed to show the best performance of your mobile website and handle the most common connection errors.It is very easy to edit and customize, with just few and simple steps your app will be ready in few minutes.


  • Easy Customization

  • SplashScreen

  • Registration Form

  • One time Welcome Message

  • Shared Preferences

  • Auto Switch between activities to handle errors

  • Cache Enabled

  • Flash Enabled

  • Java Enabled

  • Handle Load Error

  • Handle Connection Error

  • Call Link Active

  • Loading Spinner

  • Handle Wrong Entries

  • Share Current Page. With Message

  • Refresh WebView

  • Three Sharelock Themes

  • Admin Test


5 minutes installation.No Coding needed just change the variables in and your APP will be ready.

If you have no experience with java coding (No Problem, The documentation will guide you step by step with video and text to build your APP

Registration Form

Simple and Easy Registration Form that directly sends the data to you. in two different formats.

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