Saturday, August 24, 2013

SQL Connection Control for .NET

.NET – SQL Connection Control for .NET | CodeCanyon

SQL Connection Control for .NET his title this type of .NET/Forms This time I will review,made by ser-html, .NET/Forms is sold at a price of $8 in themeforest.

SQL Connection Control for .NET - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

marketplace.load(“”); marketplace.queue(function(){ new marketplace.Video({ file: “″, poster: “”, title: “SQL Connection Control for .NET”, height: “480″, width: “852″, embed_url: “″, isMainPreview: false }).setup(); });

ConnectionString // c sharp // database // multi instance // net framework // sql connection // sql server // user control // vbnet // visual studio //

Created24 August 13
Last Update24 August 13
Software Version.NET 3.5
Files IncludedVisual Basic VB

- Generate SQL connection strings with graphical interface

– Test the SQL server connection

– Browse for servers and instances

– Browse for databases

– Auto refresh connection state

– Handle the connection state changed events

– Set all advanced connectionstring properties

– Full customizable texts

– Modern user interface

– Customizable color styles for different states

– Multithreading refresh system (refresh server or database list on background)

– Bindable properties

– 56 properties, 12 events

– Complete MSDN style documentation with examples (VB.NET)

– Two example project, documentation, source code (VB.NET), binaries are included (minimum requirement for source code: Visual Studio 2010)

- Written in VB.NET (the compiled DLL can be used also in C# applications)

– The control can be used only for Windows Forms Applications!

The documentation can be shown here:

See video preview:

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